DIGIHEALTH Mental Health Events
Under the umbrella of DIGIHEALTH project, and in support of mental health, the School of Pharmacy and the Pharmily student club organized two mental health awareness virtual events in December 2021. The first event on December 8 was delivered by Ms. Jennifer Saba Abou Samah, clinical psychologist and cognitive-behavioral therapist. She discussed with students and faculty coping techniques in times of stress, and answered their concerns in this regard. The second event on December 10, was delivered by Ms. Joumana Mansour, founder of “Journey of You”, stress management and personal growth specialist, certified heart-centered hypnotherapist and transpersonal counselor. She discussed strategies and habits for stress control and methods of personal empowerment. DIGIHEALTH-introduced tools for online learning were used during the virtual events to ensure interaction between the audience and speakers and help in networking and sharing of ideas.